Weekly Family Adventure Challenges

Food Forager
Fall in love with nature this week by foraging for herbs in your own the garden or a local park.
Bring a basket, some gloves and aim to collect as many of these as you can! And don’t forget to show off your collection by tagging Nature Valley and influencer xx, for a chance to win a VIP family experience to the Gone wild festival:
- Wild garlic
- Purslane
- Chickweed
- Raspberries
- Blackberries
- Violets
- Nettle Tea: Pick leaves of nettle from underneath pulling up. Pop in boiling water, let it brew, strain and drink!
Cloud Zookeeper
The clouds are full of hidden animals, every type – even ones that don’t exist – you just need to look carefully for them.
Gather up some snacks, pick a nice spot in the garden AND
Lay back with a notebook and pencil and start spotting as many animal shaped clouds as you can see. Note them down in your journal or photograph them, let’s see who can share the most with us on social media.

Can you map out your local nature spot? Grab a compass if you have one, some paper and pens and get outside. Why not even leave a message for a friend to find later on.
In order for your map to help others find their way round, try naming landmarks you see, such as ponds, weird looking trees, places where certain animals live, etc.
Sun Navigator
Can you tell the time with your own DIY sundial? For thousands of years, people would track the time with a sundial. This week, make your own with a few supplies and a sunny day.
You’ll need a long stick (the central shadow marker), some rocks (to mark N, E, S, W), and a watch (to record the time), oh and a sunny spot… place your stick in the ground and mark the end of the shadow with one rock. Wait 30 mins and mark the end of the shadow with the second rock. The first rock should be your West point, and the second East… Now to mark out North and South, and there you go! a compass.

Den Designer
A simple and fun thing to do in your back garden, on a picnic or when camping. What you’ll need: a sheet, two trees, some rope, and some decoration… Once built, photograph your new build and share with us.
Select a suitable area between two trees. Check for any loose branches first, then run the rope between 2 trees. Drape a sheet over the rope. If you are using a sheet, simply weigh down each corner with a rock or log. This is the basic structure, now to teme the den! Add blankets, leaves, or anything else to make the den cool and fun!Then you’re ready to show it off – take some photos and share with us.

Camouflage & Concealment
How invisible can you make yourself? What you’ll need: Your wellies and wet weather clothing. Make sure it’s been raining recently…
Get outside, find some mud,
and let’s get messy.
The challenge: Can you make yourself invisible in the background? Get a friend or family member to take a photo of you – Challenging viewers to spot you in the wilderness.

Survival Knots
Knot tying is an essential part of outdoors adventures, whether you’re building camp, tying your laces, or flying a kite.
You’ll learn to master 4 knots: Reef, Figure of 8, Alpine Butterfly and the ‘king of knots’, the Bowline knot. This is perfect for hammocks, making dens or rope swings. Show us your perfect knots – bonus points for using it to build a den.
Rewilded Family Camping
It’s the last week, so it’s time to put all the skills you’ve learned to the test. This week, set up your camp, incorporating as many of the skills as you can to make your dream campsite.